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The construction site of the century and you...

We connect the road construction industry and new talent, free of selection fees.



Dankzij de realisatie van De Grote Verbinding – de Oosterweelverbinding, de Ringparken en de Scheldebrug – ontstaan er heel wat leer- en jobkansen. Om deze kansen te maximaliseren en optimaal te benutten, hebben VDAB, Constructiv, Lantis en stad Antwerpen de handen in elkaar geslagen.


VDAB zet in op bemiddeling en opleiding en biedt werkgevers ondersteuning om het juiste talent aan te trekken. Constructiv bevordert de tewerkstellings- en doorgroeikansen naar de bouwsector. Lantis stelt haar Oosterweelwerven ter beschikking en garandeert het engagement van haar aannemers.


Stad Antwerpen, ten slotte, schakelt haar netwerk in om draagvlak te creëren. Onder het programma ‘Jobs in De Grote Verbinding’ ondersteunen deze vier partners aannemers in hun zoektocht naar talent en helpen ze gemotiveerde kandidaten in hun zoektocht naar een duurzame job, om zo een hefboom te vormen voor de hele bouwsector.

Who are we?

A unique possibility

Thanks to the realisation of The Great Connection - the Oosterweel connection, the Ring Parks and the Scheldt Bridge - many learning and job opportunities are being created.


To maximise these opportunities, VDAB, Constructiv, Lantis and the City of Antwerp have joined forces. With the 'Jobs in the Great Connection' programme, these four partners support contractors in their search for talent and help motivated candidates in their search for a sustainable job, thus boosting the entire road construction sector.

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Why Connecting Antwerp?

Connecting Antwerp introduces young talent to the road construction sector. It trains them and provides guidance. This way, we ensure sustainable employment as part of The Great Connection. The big advantage for a road construction company? Finding motivated employees without high selection costs.


Our process to success:

-Contact us and tell us your needs.

-Become an official partner of Connecting Antwerp for free.

-We select and recruit the right people.

-Thanks to the cooperation with VDAB, Constructiv, Lantis and the City of Antwerp, there are no costs associated with our services.

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Recruitment free of charge

In these challenging times of recruitment, selection and onboarding Connecting Antwerp will unburden you. Thanks to the collaboration with VDAB, Constructiv, Lantis and the City of Antwerp​, this is completely free of charge.


Not carrying out road construction work as part of the Oosterweel connection? Don't worry: your company is still eligible.


Connecting Antwerp is an initiative by Xtra Construct, a company with many years of experience in finding the right match for companies within the construction sector.

article by

"Youth takes the initiative on the construction site of the century"

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We are ready to make

the construction site of the century

a success by supporting

your road construction company.


Let's talk!


0490 42 41 25

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